  • Network cards play an important role in promoting the development of AI technology Network cards play an important role in promoting the development of AI technology Jul 23, 2024
    There is a close relationship between AI and network cards, and they play an important role in promoting the development of AI technology. A network card (Network Interface Card) is a hardware device in a computer that connects to the network and is responsible for transmitting data to the network. In AI applications, the network card plays the role of a bridge between the AI ​​system and the outside world.   First, the network card plays a key role in the AI ​​training and reasoning process. The training of AI models usually requires processing a large amount of data, which is usually stored in a cloud server or a distributed storage system. Through the network card, the AI ​​server can efficiently read data from the storage system and transfer it to the computing resources for processing. In large-scale AI training tasks, high-speed and stable network connections are one of the key factors to ensure training efficiency and performance.   Secondly, the reasoning process of the AI ​​model is also inseparable from the support of the network card. In practical applications, the AI ​​model needs to interact with external devices or users. For example, in image recognition, the AI ​​model needs to receive image input from the camera and transmit the recognition results to the display device or other system. Through the network card, the AI ​​system can receive data from external devices and transmit the results back to achieve real-time communication with the outside world.   In addition, due to the widespread development and popularity of AI applications, there are many scenarios where AI needs to be deployed on edge devices, such as smartphones, smart homes, drones, etc. These edge devices usually have limited computing resources and storage space, so they need to rely on network cards to connect to cloud services and outsource the computing tasks and data transmission of AI models to cloud servers, thereby realizing the intelligence of edge devices.   In addition to the above application relationship, AI and network cards also have some intersections at the technical level. With the widespread application of new AI algorithms such as deep learning, the requirements for computing performance are getting higher and higher. In order to improve computing efficiency and accelerate the training and reasoning process of AI models, some manufacturers have begun to develop specialized AI accelerators, such as GPUs. These accelerators usually need to interact with network cards through specialized interfaces and drivers to achieve efficient data transmission and computing.   In summary, there is a close connection between AI and network cards. Network cards provide efficient and stable network connections for AI systems, supporting data transmission and interaction. At the same time, network cards also play an important role in the development of AI algorithms and hardware accelerators, ensuring the computing efficiency and performance of AI models. It can be said that AI and network cards are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, jointly promoting the development of AI technology.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality network card adapters such as X550-T2, MCX512A-ACAT, MCX4121A-ACAT, MCX4421A-ACAN, X520-DA2, and provides you with higher quality services and reliable after-sales services. You are welcome to visit and discuss related products. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • Data storage and Data management Data storage and Data management Apr 22, 2024
    The storage system has two parts: data storage and data management. The data storage part includes: storage controller hardware, disks, adapters, network transmission channels, RAID management, LUN management, etc. The main function of this part is to provide basic raw data storage services, such as storing data in the corresponding LUN or Read from it. The data management part includes: Tier, Snapshot, Clone and other data processing functional modules. The data management part is mainly responsible for some high-level data processing, just like the social needs hierarchy pyramid. The lowest needs are survival, food and clothing, and clothing. This layer corresponds to the basic storage function of the storage system for data, such as to a piece of data. Data is stored in the disk; further up are higher-level needs, such as not only food and clothing, but also good food, sufficient taste, and rich material, so that you have everything you want. This corresponds to the evolution of storage systems for data storage, such as making multiple hard disks into RAID to improve performance, and dividing LUNs to make space allocation more flexible, and hardware configurations are becoming more and more powerful; however, people's needs are always getting more and more demanding. Crazy and boring, not satisfied, but also pursuing spiritual enjoyment. For example, if you have too much money, go to the streets to spread it, or pretend to be a beggar. This corresponds to more advanced processing of data in the storage system, such as Mirro, Snapshot, etc., and even some flashy functions.   The data management part can be divided into two categories: pre-processing and post-processing of data. Pre-processing refers to the initial processing of the data before it is written to the disk, or the storage space of the data is prepared in advance before being written to the disk for storage. Examples of pre-processing are: Post Deduplication, Thin Provision etc. Post-processing means that after the data is written to the disk, the functional module reads the data for processing, and then writes it back to the disk. Typical examples of post-processing include: BackGround Deduplication, Data Migrating, etc. Some functional modules include both pre-processing and post-processing, such as Snapshot. The generation of Snapshor is a post-processing process, but once the Snapshot is generated, each affected IO will also go through an additional pre-processing process, such as the CoW process, before being written to the hard disk; another example is that MinroMiror can be executed synchronously. It can also be executed asynchronously in the background. The former is pre-processing, while the latter is post-processing.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. such as: 05-26105-00, 05-25420-10, 05-50011-02, 05-50134-03. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699  
  • Use computers to process information and save data Use computers to process information and save data Mar 21, 2024
    A computer is like a biological brain. The brain uses eyes, ears, nose, and skin as input devices to obtain various information, while the computer uses keyboard, mouse, serial port, USB interface, etc. as input devices to obtain various information. The brain uses neural networks to transfer acquired information to the nerve center, while computers use various bus technologies to transfer information to the CPU for calculation.   The brain uses neural networks to transfer calculated information to "devices" such as arms, legs, muscles, etc.; and computers also use buses to transfer calculated data to external devices, such as monitors, printers, etc. The human brain can store a variety of data, and computers can also use external media to store data. From this point of view, the computer itself is an external information storage and processing tool for the human brain. The field of computer storage studies how to provide data to computers quickly and efficiently to assist in their operations. Like the history of human storage, computer storage technology has also continued to develop and grow, from early floppy disks and hard drives with only a few dozen megabytes in size to today's single hard drives with a size of 1TB, and USB flash drives with a capacity of 4GB or even 16GB. In order to pursue high speed, people make multiple disks into a RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) system, that is, each independent disk is formed into an array to jointly store data and speed up data storage.   While pursuing high speed, the capacity problem must also be solved. The storage capacity requirements of modern computer programs have become enormous. The latest Windows Vista operating system takes up more than 6GB of disk space just after installation. Some large-scale 3D games require 2GB, 4GB, or even 8GB in size just to install the files. The database files generated by some database management programs may be several TB or even hundreds or thousands of TB in size. The traditional method of placing the hard disk in the computer chassis can no longer meet the storage capacity requirements of modern applications, which has given rise to network storage technology.   Network storage extends the storage system to the network, making the storage device a node on the network for access by other nodes. In this way, even if there is only one hard disk in the computer host, or even no hard disk, the computer can still access data on the storage device through the network. Currently, the hot technology in the field of computer storage is network storage technology, which focuses on how to provide data flow services to other nodes on the network. Based on network storage, many other related technologies can be promoted and applied.   It can be seen that the storage field is an all-encompassing field. If you do not understand computer systems, it is difficult to master storage technology.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. such as: 05-26105-00, 05-25420-10, 05-50011-02, 05-50134-03. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • Factors Affecting Disk Performance Factors Affecting Disk Performance Mar 05, 2024
    Current magnetic disks can be divided into single-disc disks and multi-disc disks. The former has only one disk in the disk body, while the latter has multiple disks. As mentioned before, data can be stored on both sides of each disk, so each disk needs two heads, each reading and writing on one side. However, one thing must be clarified: the disk only allows one head to read and write data at a time. In other words, no matter how many platters and heads there are in the disk, it is impossible to improve the throughput and IO performance of the hard disk, but can only increase the capacity. However, many people are already committed to changing this status quo, hoping to enable the magnetic heads to read and write concurrently within the disk, which is equivalent to forming a RAID between the disks and the disks to improve performance. However, this project has not yet been able to Application products.   Factors that affect hard drive performance include the following: (1) Rotation speed: Rotation speed is the primary factor affecting the throughput performance of the hard disk during continuous IO. When reading and writing data, the magnetic head does not move. It depends entirely on the rotation of the disk to sense the data in the corresponding sector to the magnetic head. Therefore, the faster the disk rotates, the shorter the data transmission time.   In the case of continuous IO, the number of head arm seeks is very small, so to improve the throughput or IOPS value, the rotation speed is the primary influencing factor. At present, mid-to-high-end hard drives generally run at 10,000 rpm or 15,000 rpm. Recently, some manufacturers are trying to achieve 20,000 rpm hard drives, and they already have finished products, but it remains to be seen whether they will be widely used in the end.   (2) Seek speed: Seek speed is the primary factor affecting disk random IO performance. In the case of random IO, the head arm needs to change tracks frequently, and the time spent on data transmission is very small compared to the time consumed by track changing, not at all in the same order of magnitude. So if the head arm can change tracks at a very high speed, it will increase the random IOPS value. The current average seek speed of high-end disks is below 10ms.   (3) Single disk capacity: Single disk capacity is also an indirect factor affecting disk performance. The higher the capacity of a single disk, the greater the amount of data in the same space, that is, the greater the data density. Under the same rotation speed and seek speed conditions, hard drives with high data density will show higher performance. Because under the same overhead, a hard drive with a high single-disk capacity will read more data. At present, manufacturers have developed hard drives with a single-disc capacity of more than 300GB, but they have not been put into use yet.   (4) Interface speed: Interface speed is the least important factor affecting hard disk performance. The current interface speed theoretically meets the highest external transmission bandwidth that the disk can achieve. In a random IO environment, interface speed is even less important, because the bottleneck is almost entirely seek speed. However, high-end hard drives use high-speed interfaces, which is a common practice.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. such as: 05-26105-00, 05-25420-10, 05-50011-02, 05-50134-03. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • What is RAID 5? What is RAID 5? Feb 24, 2024
    RAID 5 is a redundant array of independent disks configured using disk striping with parity. Data and parity are striped evenly across all disks. Striping allows users to rebuild data in the event of a disk failure, so no one disk is the bottleneck.   RAID 5 balances reading and writing and is currently one of the most commonly used RAID methods. It has more storage space available than RAID 1 and RAID 10 configurations and provides performance comparable to RAID 0.   A RAID 5 group has a minimum of 3 HDDs, but no maximum. Because parity data is distributed across all drives, RAID 5 is considered one of the most secure RAID configurations.   RAID 5 – Stripes data using distributed parity. RAID type 5 allows Clariion to distribute parity information to reconstruct a failed disk among the disks that make up the RAID group. As with RAID 3, if a single drive in the RAID group fails, the failed disk can be rebuilt from the remaining disks in the RAID group.     How RAID 5 works The advantage of RAID 5 comes primarily from its combined use of disk striping and parity. Striping is the process of storing contiguous segments of data across different storage devices; it allows for better throughput and performance. However, disk striping alone does not make an array fault tolerant. Disk striping combined with parity provides RAID 5 with redundancy and reliability.   RAID 5 uses parity instead of mirroring for data redundancy. When data is written to a RAID 5 drive, parity is calculated and written to the drive. While mirroring maintains multiple copies of the data in each volume for use in the event of a failure, RAID 5 can rebuild a failed drive using parity data, which is not saved on a fixed single drive.   By saving data on each drive, any two drives can be combined to equal the data stored on a third drive, keeping data safe in the event of a single drive failure. Drives in RAID 5 are hot-swappable, meaning a failed HDD can be removed and replaced without downtime.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. such as: lsi megaraid 9460 8i, 05 50077 00 9560-16i, 05 25528 04 9380-8e. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • How to properly chain RAID cards for best results How to properly chain RAID cards for best results Feb 20, 2024
    RAID is a commonly used technology when it comes to data storage and processing. By connecting RAID cards in series, you can increase storage capacity, data redundancy and performance. This article will explain how to properly connect RAID cards in series to achieve the best results.   Step 1: Understand the different types of RAID levels Before you start chaining RAID cards, you need to understand the different RAID levels and the features and benefits they offer. Common RAID levels include RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, etc. You can choose the appropriate RAID level to meet your storage and performance needs.   Step 2: Choose the right RAID card Make sure to choose a RAID card that is compatible with your system and choose the appropriate RAID level and features based on your needs. You can increase storage capacity and performance by plugging in multiple hard drives.   Step 3: Install the RAID card First, make sure your computer is turned off and unplugged from the power source. Then install it into the appropriate slot on your computer according to the guidelines provided by the RAID card manufacturer.   Step 4: Connect the hard drive After installing the RAID card, you need to connect the hard drive. Depending on the specifications of the RAID card, it may provide multiple internal or external interfaces that you can use to connect the hard drives.   Step 5: Configure RAID Level Once the hard drive is connected, you can press the designated key when the computer is turned on to enter the RAID card setup interface. Depending on the RAID level you choose, you can set how the drives are organized into an array, configure redundancy and performance options, and more. Please follow the guidelines provided by the RAID card manufacturer for proper configuration.   Step 6: Initialize and format the array After completing the configuration of the RAID card, you need to initialize and format the RAID array to prepare it for use. This process may be completed in the setting interface of the RAID card, or it may need to be executed in the operating system. Please be sure to follow the RAID card manufacturer's guidelines for proper initialization and formatting.   Step 7: Test and Monitor the RAID Array Finally, before using a RAID array, it is recommended that you test and monitor to make sure everything is working properly. You can use the tools provided with the RAID card to perform integrity checks and performance testing of the array.   By properly cascading RAID cards, you can achieve greater storage capacity, higher data redundancy, and better performance. But remember, before making any changes, make sure to back up important data and carefully read the RAID card manufacturer's documentation and guidelines before starting.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. such as: lsi megaraid 9460 8i, 05 50077 00 9560-16i, 05 25528 04 9380-8e. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • Experience RAID at its Best! Discover the unbeatable performance and reliability of the 9560-8i Experience RAID at its Best! Discover the unbeatable performance and reliability of the 9560-8i Jan 12, 2024
    RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is also known as “disk array”. It is essentially a system that forms a large disk by combining multiple independent disks together, thereby achieving better storage performance and higher reliability than a single disk. Here are some common types of RAID:   RAID 0: Combines multiple disks to form a large storage capacity. When we need to write data, the data is divided into N parts, and N disks are read and written in an independent manner. These N parts of data are written to the disk concurrently, so the execution performance is very high.   RAID 1: When writing data to the disk, the same data is written to two disks without distinction, which are written to the working disk and the mirror disk respectively. Therefore, its actual space usage rate is only 50%, and two disks are used as one, which is a relatively expensive solution.   RAID 5: This is currently the most used method. Because RAID 5 is a solution that takes into account storage performance, data security, and storage cost.   RAID 6: In order to further improve the high availability of storage, people have proposed the RAID 6 scheme, which can also guarantee data recovery when two disks are damaged at the same time.   RAID 10: RAID 10 is a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0.   Each type of RAID has its specific application scenarios. Which type to choose depends on your specific needs, such as data security, read and write speed, storage space, etc.   Among them, megaraid 9560 8i and megaraid 9560 16i are highly used RAID adapter. It is based on SAS3908 high-port-count PCIe 4.0 x8 RAID-on-Chip (RoC), and its performance is twice that of previous generations of products. 9560-8i has Tri-Mode SerDes technology, which allows NVMe, SAS, or SATA devices to run in a single drive bay, thereby achieving endless design flexibility. STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • Maximize Efficiency with 9460-8i—Experience faster data management and file access. Maximize Efficiency with 9460-8i—Experience faster data management and file access. Jan 09, 2024
    Manufacturer Part #: 05-50011-0223 Ports: 8 internal23 Connectors: Two (x4) SFF-864323 Storage Interface Support: SAS, SATA, PCIe (NVMe)23 Max PCIe (NVMe) Direct Attach Devices: Two x4, Four x223 Max Devices Per Controller: SAS/SATA: 240; NVMe: 242 Cache Memory: 2 GB 2133MHz The 9460-8i is a high-performance RAID card that offers many advantages, making it an ideal choice for data storage and processing. The following is an introduction to several main advantages of lsi megaraid 9460 8i:   Powerful performance: 9460-8i adopts advanced storage technology and processing capabilities, and provides excellent data transfer speed and processing performance by supporting PCIe 3.1 x8 interface. High reliability: 9460-8i integrates RAID function, which can realize data backup and recovery according to needs, providing data protection and fault tolerance. Flexible storage management: 9460-8i provides rich storage management functions. Users can easily manage storage devices, create logical disks, set up hot spares and global hot spares, and monitor disk status and performance. Data protection and security: 05 50011 02 9460-8i uses advanced encryption algorithms and key management to encrypt data during transmission and storage to prevent data leakage and unauthorized access. Compatibility and scalability: In addition, it also provides a variety of expansion options, supporting multiple hard disk interfaces and external storage expansion to meet the storage needs of different application environments.   In general, as a high-performance RAID card, 9460-8i has powerful performance, high reliability, flexible storage management, data protection and security, as well as wide compatibility and scalability. These advantages make it an ideal choice for the storage needs of large enterprises, providing excellent data processing and protection capabilities.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699  
  • Get information on the model number of the network card Get information on the model number of the network card Jan 04, 2024
    In the vast realm of networking technology, understanding network card models can be a daunting task.   1、The model number contains "T": the interface type is Ethernet interface. For example: I350-T2, X540-T2, X710-T4   2. The model includes "F" and "D": optical fiber interface, used to connect to optical fiber networks, with the characteristics of high-speed transmission and stability. Common abbreviations for optical interfaces: SFP+, SFP28, QSFP, etc. For example: I350-F2, X520-DA2, E810-CQDA2   3. The model number contains "SR": the network card comes with its own module, and the modules are usually divided into single-mode and multi-mode. Single-mode is often used for long-distance transmission, and the wavelengths are: 1310, 1550, and 1490. No light can be seen when the power is on. Multi-mode is often used for short-distance transmission. The wavelength is 850nm. Red light can be seen when the power is on.   4. Finally, the numerical digit at the end of the model holds the key to understanding the quantity of external interface connections. The last number 1 or 2 or 4: the number of external interface connections. For example: X520-DA1, I210-T1, I350-T4, X710-DA4, X520-DA2.   The above information only applies to IN network cards. If you want to know the names of other network cards, please tell me and I will continue to update this series of blogs.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699  
  • Ideal for External Storage Connectivity: 9300-8e Ideal for External Storage Connectivity: 9300-8e Dec 30, 2023
    Ideal for applications requiring external storage connectivity, the 9300-8e HBA enables servers of any size to connect more than 1,000 SAS or SATA end devices in an external enclosure. It also has expanded storage to support performance and capacity-intensive applications that use 12Gb/s SAS, but can also support 6Gb/s SATA drives.   The LSI SAS 9300-8e is a very good performer; it excels in almost every test. This model supports 8 lanes (PCIe 3.0) and includes SAS 3.0 compliant mini-SAS HD connectors, allowing any size server to connect 1024 SAS or SATA end devices in external/internal cabinets. Additionally, when connected to the right SSD, this HBA essentially eliminates the bottleneck of 6Gb/s SAS, allowing even the most resource-demanding enterprises to achieve their performance goals. This is very evident in the drive tested above, as it allows the SSD to realize its 12Gb/s potential, reaching higher performance levels compared to SAS2, including very low latency and very high throughput. 1. Powerful performance: Using PCIe Gen3 interface and high-speed SAS connection, 9300-8e provides excellent data transmission speed and low latency, able to meet the needs of large-scale data storage and processing.   2. Scalability: The 8 external SAS ports of 9300-8e support a variety of disk array topology configurations. Users can easily expand or reconstruct the storage environment according to needs.   3. Data protection and reliability: Supports multiple RAID levels and data protection functions, including disk redundancy, data migration and disk health monitoring. These capabilities improve data reliability and recoverability, reducing the risk of data loss and business interruption.   4. Simple and easy to use: 9300-8e is equipped with user-friendly management software and interface, making configuring, monitoring and maintaining the storage environment simple and efficient.   High availability is an important feature of the 9300-8e. It uses advanced availability technologies, such as redundant controllers and hot-swappable components, to ensure that the storage system can still provide continuous data access in the event of a failure. This is very important for enterprises because data reliability and high availability are key to business operations.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • Application of MCX4421A-ACQN high performance network adapter Application of MCX4421A-ACQN high performance network adapter Dec 16, 2023
    MCX4421A-ACQN is suitable for applications requiring high bandwidth, low latency and high message rates. In the evolving digital era, there is an increasing demand for high-speed, reliable network connections. As a leading manufacturer in network technology, we are proud to introduce the MCX4421A-ACQN high-performance network adapter, providing superior connectivity and performance for modern data centers and enterprise networks.   MCX4421A-ACQN network card is a 10 Gigabit Ethernet network card. How to download and install the driver: 1. First download the MCP1600-E003E26 network card driver, and then click to open it. 2. After opening, read all the additional programs, click Confirm, and then select Next to install. 3. Wait for the installation to be completed before you can use it.   The adapter uses the latest network chip technology, combined with advanced protocol processing and traffic management functions, to provide excellent data transmission capabilities and low latency. Whether in large-scale virtualization environments or in demanding cloud computing applications, MCX4421A-ACQN can maintain stable performance and effectively reduce the complexity of network transmission.   The MCX4421A-ACQN (Passive Copper cable, ETH, up to 25Gb/s, SFP28, 0.5m)not only excels in performance, it also provides advanced cybersecurity features to protect the integrity and confidentiality of user data. The equipped hardware acceleration engine can process advanced encryption algorithms to ensure the security of sensitive data during transmission. In addition, the adapter also supports advanced virtualization technology, which can provide good network isolation and resource allocation, improving performance and management efficiency in multi-tenant environments.   In short, whether you are an enterprise user or a data center administrator, MCX4421A-ACQN will bring you an excellent network experience and unlimited possibilities.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
  • MegaRAID 9580-8i8e Key Features MegaRAID 9580-8i8e Key Features Dec 06, 2023
    RAID cards are an important technology when it comes to data storage and data protection. RAID cards are a solution for expanding storage capacity, providing data redundancy, and increasing data throughput. In this regard, the 9580-8i8e RAID cards is an excellent product.   The 9580-8i8e RAID features 8 internal SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) ports and 8 external SAS ports to support up to 8 internal and 8 external hard drives. This makes it ideal for handling large amounts of data and complex storage environments.   Key Features Include: Connect up to 240 SAS/SATA devices or 32 NVMe devices per controller Fits into rack-mounted servers with low-profile form factor and side-mounted SAS connectors Form-factor friendly cable exit Support critical, high-bandwidth applications with PCIe 4.0 connectivity Balance protection and performance for critical applications with RAID 0, 00, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50 and 60 JBOD mode with RAID 0, 1, 10 and JBOD for SDS environments Add more protection and peace of mind with flash cache protection   Overall, the 9580-8i8e RAID card is an advanced storage solution that provides high performance, reliability and flexibility. Whether it is a small enterprise or a large data center, this RAID card can meet its needs for storage performance and data security, helping users build a stable and reliable storage environment.   STOR Technology Limited provides you with high-quality Raid Card, HBA Card, Hard Disk Drive, etc. We provide you with higher-quality services and assured after-sales service. Welcome to visit us and discuss related products with us. Our website: https://www.cloudstorserver.com/ Contact us: alice@storservers.com / +86-755-83677183 Whatsapp : +8613824334699
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